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Scholarship golf outing

The Indiana Chapter of the American Concrete Institute awards scholarships annually to students pursuing careers in a construction or engineering related field and who are attending a university in the state of Indiana. Through financial assistance, it is our goal to encourage college students to enter the world of concrete design and construction. One method that ICACI employs to raise funds to support these scholarships is to host an annual golf outing. Through all profitable proceeds from the golf outing and associated raffle we are able to provide strong financial support to the scholarship fund.

The golf outing traditionally includes a full day of entertainment at a local golf course as well as an opportunity to network with fellow colleagues, clients, and various industry professionals. The annual golf outing is ICACI’s largest fundraising event of the year and has proven to be a successful financial booster as well as a way to facilitate comradery among the chapter membership.

ICACI will post information on our website as well as send out reminder emails well in advance of this event with details regarding the registration process and event itself. Check back for information regarding the outing throughout the year. We hope to see you on the links!